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Children's Ministry

A.R.K. Club After-School

A.R.K. Club (Amazing Redeemed Kids) After-School is a place for children to be refreshed with God's love and be supported academically. With God as our center and parents as our partners, our ultimate goal is to come alongside you and plant the seeds of faith in the hearts and minds of our youngest children. Each week, your student will be exploring and learning the magnificence of God's love. They will participate in singing, snack, crafts, devotion, and games. Throughout their time with our volunteers, they will also be learning more about responsibility and respect through our rewards system. More info on our program for our current semester, visit our Parent Letter.


We sponsor the after-school program at our Neshannock Campus church on Tuesday's after school from 4:00pm to 6:00pm, twice a year, in the Spring and Fall semesters. The program is available for ages 4 through 6th grade. Transport is available from Laurel Elementary to the church by our Children's Ministry staff. Children from other schools can be transported by parents or guardian. We look forward to seeing all of our kids from past years and many new faces as well.

A.R.K. Club Morning Mentor

A.R.K. Club (Amazing Redeemed Kids) Morning Mentor is a program where students of Laurel Elementary can take time before their school day to relax and have fun with our Children's Ministry staff. With God as our guide, we shower these students in His love through our conversations and mentoring.


We host these students in Laurel Elementary Library every Wednesday from 8:00-8:45 AM, twice a year, during our Spring and Fall semesters. During these mornings, we do activities such as bingo, crafts, puzzles, board games, and even playing in the gym or outside. We also provide a variety of breakfasts for the students! We hope and look forward to seeing all of our students, new and old, every Wednesday!

No sign-up is required.

Sunday School

“Don’t hide your light! Let it shine for all; let your good deeds glow for all to see, so that they will praise your Heavenly Father.” - Matthew 5:16


Worship is for children, too! Here at Christ United Church, we want our children to develop an understanding of how to worship God. Various topics of worship and faith are covered through songs, Bible lessons and interactive learning activities. Our Children's Church classes are available on Sunday mornings during our 11:00 AM Worship Services for children ages 4 through 5th grade. Children will be dismissed to the classroom following the Children's Message and can be picked up in the social hall following worship service.

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